The Commercialization of Christianity.
Things sold in the Name of Jesus and Religion.
This Upsets Me Highly.
Recently, we visited a well-known Christian bookstore. This visit caused me to question our perception of what is right and what is wrong in God’s eyes. Based on our visit to the store I want to briefly address the commercialization of Christianity. Here’s a few examples:
• The sale of Holy water, and especially water imported from Israel or taken from the Jordan.
• The sale of different anointing oils for different purposes with different prophetic meanings. In store there were around fifty different oils. One for healing, one for peace, one for joy, one for provision and a whole lot more for almost every need you can think of.
• The sale of wine, of which some were imported, and other products for communion.
• The sale of prayer shawls and other Old Testament paraphernalia.
• Even the sale of devotional Bibles with inserts from well-known authors, evangelists or preachers.
Anointing oil for healing does not heal, Healing comes from Repentance of Sin against God, Against Others and Against ourselves and is a Mercy and Grace gift from God, Oil for Anointing is Just a Tool. Holy water from Israel is simply water, no water is Holy. The special bottle of wine for communion is just wine. Communion is there for Sin Repentance and Forgiveness and Healing of the Mind, soul and Body. The interpretation of a pastor, evangelist or author is simply another interpretation, rather ask the Holy Spirit the Original writer of the word for His interpretation if you do not understand. Old Testament paraphernalia is what it said Old Testament – Old believe system stopped by the Trinity. There is a New Covenant and Testament. Now, I am not saying that these items cannot be useful as demonstration tools, but without Salvation and faith in Jesus Christ, these items are simply useless items. It all starts with Jesus and Ends with Jesus.
The sad reality is that many believers have more faith in the items they bought than in Jesus Christ. They believe that a special type of anointing oil or a bottle of holy water can or will bring peace, joy or healing and are therefore prone to fall into a trap of “idolatry” for any item believed to have miracle powers must be regarded as a false god leading people astray or away from the real God who made all things possible through Jesus Christ. Just so, the interpretation of a piece of Scripture often becomes more “valued” than Scripture itself. The counter Truth is that some of these Items may even come with satanic curses, when purchased without Holy Spirit discernment.
If only, we can redirect our faith to Jesus Christ, the author and finisher of our faith. If only we can direct those in need to Jesus Christ, the way, the truth and the life. If only we can direct others to Jesus Christ, who shed His blood, gave His life so that we may have life and life abundantly. (See Hebrews 12:2, John 14: 6, John 10:10, Ephesians 1:7)
Please, let us be careful. Let us pray and trust the Holy Spirit to guide us.
Die kommersialisering van die Christendom.
Dinge wat verkoop word in die Naam van Jesus en Godsdiens.
Dit ontstel my baie.
Ons het onlangs ‘n bekende Christelike boekwinkel besoek. Hierdie besoek het my laat twyfel oor ons persepsie van wat reg en wat verkeerd is in God se oë. Op grond van ons besoek aan die winkel wil ek kortliks die kommersialisering van die Christendom aanspreek. Hier is ‘n paar voorbeelde:
• Die verkoop van Heilige water, en veral water wat uit Israel ingevoer of uit die Jordaan geneem word.
• Die verkoop van verskillende salfolies vir verskillende doeleindes met verskillende profetiese betekenisse. In die boek winkel was daar ongeveer vyftig verskillende olies. Een vir genesing, een vir vrede, een vir vreugde, een vir voorsiening en nog baie meer vir byna elke behoefte waaraan jy kan dink.
• Die verkoop van wyn, waarvan sommige ingevoer is, en ander produkte vir nagmaal.
• Die verkoop van gebedsjalies en ander Ou-Testamentiese toebehore.
• Selfs die verkoop van gewyde Bybels met insetsels van bekende skrywers, evangeliste of predikers.
Salfolie vir genesing genees nie, Genesing kom van Berou van Sonde teen God, Teen Ander en Teen onsself en is ‘n Genade geskenk van God, Olie vir Salwing is Net ‘n Gereedskapstuk. Heilige water uit Israel is eenvoudig water, geen water is Heilig nie. Die spesiale bottel wyn vir nagmaal is net wyn. Nagmaal is daar vir Sondebekering en Vergifnis en Genesing van die Gees, siel en Liggaam. Die interpretasie van ‘n pastoor, evangelis of skrywer is bloot ‘n ander interpretasie, vra liewer die Heilige Gees die Oorspronklike skrywer van die woord vir Sy interpretasie as jy nie verstaan nie. Ou-Testamentiese toebehore is wat dit sê = Ou Testamenties – Ou geloof stelsel gestop deur die Drie-eenheid. Daar is ‘n Nuwe Verbond en Testament. Nou, ek sê nie dat hierdie items nie bruikbaar kan wees as demonstrasie-instrumente nie, maar sonder Verlossing en geloof in Jesus Christus is hierdie items eenvoudig nuttelose items. Dit begin alles by Jesus en eindig by Jesus.
Die hartseer werklikheid is dat baie gelowiges meer geloof het in die items wat hulle gekoop het as in Jesus Christus. Hulle glo dat ‘n spesiale tipe salfolie of ‘n bottel heilige water vrede, vreugde of genesing kan of sal bring en is daarom geneig om in ‘n strik van “afgodery” te trap vir enige item wat glo wonderkragte het, moet beskou word as ‘n valse god lei mense op ’n dwaalspoor of weg van die ware God wat alle dinge deur Jesus Christus moontlik gemaak het. Net so word die interpretasie van ‘n stuk Skrif dikwels meer “gewaardeer” as die Skrif self. Die teenwaarheid is dat sommige van hierdie items selfs met sataniese vloeke kan kom, wanneer dit sonder Heilige Gees-onderskeiding gekoop word.
As ons maar net ons geloof kan herlei na Jesus Christus, die outeur en voleinder van ons geloof. As ons maar net diegene in nood kan rig na Jesus Christus, die weg, die waarheid en die lewe. As ons maar net ander na Jesus Christus kan rig, wat Sy bloed vergiet het, Sy lewe gegee het sodat ons lewe en lewe in oorvloed kan hê. (Sien Hebreërs 12:2, Johannes 14:6, Johannes 10:10, Efesiërs 1:7)
Asseblief, laat ons versigtig wees. Kom ons bid en vertrou dat die Heilige Gees ons sal lei.