a New Thing in Christianity today , The New Apostolic Reformation entered the Christian Arena with 3 Titles .
Apostles , Prophets and Generals

The titles of Pastors change as soon as they join the New Apostolic Reformation Movement NAR Doctrine of Demons to one of the following.
The Old Titles of Teacher and Evangelist changed to Prophets
Even so the Holy Spirit gift of Prophecy replaced the Old Testament / Covenant Prophet , thees NAR / Kingdom NOW false doctrine’s gives out thees titles to any person in a leadership position !
The Old Titles of Pastor / Sheppard was replaced with Apostle , a Head Pastor and is Senior Pastors all receive this title as proof that they Joined their church with the NAR Movement
Then they Needed a Title for the Top Structure of the New Apostolic Reformation Leaders . also being Malta and Templar Knights under the Black Pope of the Jesuit order / Free Masons / Illuminati . The Title of “General” in Gods army was given to the Leaders of this Movement .
There are no Proof in the Bible for the Title of General in God’s Army !
The title General as adopted by the Jesuit order for Hi Ranking officials in the Jesuit Order / Free Masons / Illuminati .
They needed a Title for the Christian Freemason Leaders in Top Ranking Positions and the Title “General” was given that ruled over the Knights of all the Round Tables . Malta Knights – Templar Knights – Suplicar Knights and more .
7 of the Top Ranking officials of the Jesuit order are called ” GENERALS ”
The Superior General of the Society of Jesus is the official title of the leader of the Society of Jesus – the Roman Catholic religious order which is also known as the Jesuits. He is generally addressed as Father General. The position sometimes carries the nickname of the Black Pope, because of his responsibility for the largest Catholic, male religious order and is contrasted to the white garb of the pope. The thirty-first and current Superior General is the Reverend Father Arturo Sosa, elected by the 36th General Congregation on October 14, 2016
Other General Rankings
“President General”. The term is not of military origin (despite popular misconceptions and Ignatius of Loyola’s own military background) but is derived from “general”, as opposed to “particular”. This usage is consistent with other Catholic religious orders, like the Dominicans’ “Master General”, Franciscans’ “Minister General”, Carthusians’ “Prior General”, and with civil posts such as “Postmaster General” and “Attorney General”. The Jesuits are organized into provinces, each with a provincial superior,
this ” General ” Title is now active in the NAR Movement in the Church started by NAR Apostle Mike and Cindy Jacobs –Generals International (GI) is a organization founded by Mike and Cindy Jacobs in 1985 . Nothing else Than Knights of the Round Tables of Christian knights of the RCC Templar and Malta Knights .
The 7 generals under the NAR Movement in every Country will be Based on The 7 Spheres of Society or Influence : This is also called the 7 Mountain Mandate of the NAR Movement / Kingdom Now Movement. Rev 17:9 And here is the mind which hath wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sitteth.
The NAR Positions that needs filling per Country
Family General
Religion General
Education General
Government / Justice General
Media (Communication) General
Celebration (Arts, Entertainment, Sport) General
Economics (Business, Science, Technology) General
With NO mention of the Title ” General ” in God’s Army in the Bible and the presence of this title in the Jesuit Order / Freemason Christian factions / Illuminati . its clear that this is from satan . Generals in satan’s army YES /
Ending with the words of Jesus
John 18:36 Jesus answered, My kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight, that I should not be delivered to the Jews: but now is my kingdom not from hence.