A Brief Visual Glossary of Symbols
Please Note – The information below has been compiled by Christian (Catholic) authors and is framed as such. However, whatever faith you may be or have or not have, you are most welcome here and we hope this information may be helpful to anyone who seeks the truth.
“Whatever is hidden is meant to be disclosed, and whatever is concealed is meant to be brought out into the open.”
Those are the Words of Jesus Christ in the Gospel of Saint Mark. He also taught us to ‘be ‘wise as serpents’ in Saint Matthew’s Gospel.-Let us heed His Words now.
Ever increasingly, and yet invisible and unimportant to most, dark forces impose symbols, motifs, and marks with double and often diabolical meanings hidden in plain sight. It would be almost impossible to begin to narrate and expose all of these, so this article is truly only a very brief overview of some of the more common symbolic constructs that most of us see many times during any given day – and barely notice. There are no symbols below that you will be new to, or that you don’t see frequently if you own a computer or a television.
The symbols below have a central theme and form the very basic grammar of a secret language with ancient roots in a belief system and school of thought which goes by many names – Mystery Schools (Babylon), the Illuminati, Masonry, Occult, Secret Doctrine, New Age, Astrotheology, Secret Societies, Theosophy, Externalization of the Hierarchy, Law of Attraction, Occult, New World Order, Luciferianism, and so on – but whatever it may be called, the common factor and important thing to know is that this movement has a singular goal: to reinforce the serpent’s lie in the Garden of Eden in the eyes of men that through special knowledge and disobedience man achieves immortality and can ‘be like unto God’. The quickest way to grasp the ‘secret’ and true intents behind the ‘Illuminati’ is to re-study just two stories from Holy Scripture: The Serpent in the Garden of Eden and The Tower of Babel.
Many will continue to ignore, laugh off, or even embrace these signs, excusing them as ‘conspiracy’, ‘coincidence’, or ‘superstition’. Many will not want to be bothered or troubled with this information. Many will not see. For the brave and honest of spirit, please simply be peacefully aware and ask why is it that we now see these symbols more and more often and in more and more places. Why now? Should you have doubts about the ‘conspiratorial’ nature of this prevalence of symbols, please just realize that whenever we see a major corporate logo design, or a frame of film from the latest Hollywood blockbuster, a magazine ad, or the cover of the newest hot video game, none of these decisions are ever taken lightly or executed carelessly. There are no mistakes. Great thought and care goes into all of the imagery we are presented with from high-profile corporations, entertainment, and the media. This is on purpose and to think otherwise is either a form of willing denial or naivete.
The short glossary below in no way pretends to be exhaustive, detailed, or academic. It is not a history lesson and it does not try to prove anything. This compilation is based on decades of research and the authors encourage everyone to verify the facts and seek the truth on their own. It is meant to give an easy and very basic overview and quick introduction to those who have little or no knowledge of this subject.
Further, no symbol listed is in and of itself ‘evil’. This list should not be taken as a compendium of ‘evil symbols’ outright. When we see symbols it means to pay closer attention, to discern, to open our spiritual eyes a bit wider and to be careful. Of course, any symbol can be used innocently or coincidentally, and with no ill intent – indeed, when it comes to symbols intent really does matter. Also, it should be understood that most all symbols have at least a double meaning. For instance, an upside down cross to many represents a ‘devil sign’ and it surely can be used that way as an insult to Jesus; however, many Catholics know that an upside down cross can also be used to represent Saint Peter, who insisted on being crucified upside down as he did not feel worthy to die in the same manner as our Lord Jesus Christ. It is worth mentioning that many, if not most, all symbols which are now used with darker intents have at one time been used in some manner or form as representations of the True Triune God. We must remember always that the devil is a thief and a liar. He creates nothing, and no real power can ever come from him. He simply takes what is good from God and corrupts, mocks, perverts, misuses, distorts, or falsifies it. Finally, where the use of a ‘celebrity’ image has been used, it is the authors’ strong hope that this not be used to malign or judge any person in any way. The images of ‘celebrities’ are used only to demonstrate the pervasiveness of these symbols and their overwhelming dominance in the world of media.
The Words written in Ephesians have never been more appropriate or important than they are now: “For our struggle is not against enemies of blood and flesh, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers of this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.”
Please use discernment and common sense.

Called the ‘All Seeing Eye’, the “Eye of Horus’, the ‘Eye of Lucifer’, the “Eye of Providence”, the “Eye of Saturn”, the “Eye of Ra” and even the “Eye of God’. It can mean many things perhaps, but is most often associated with power, secret knowledge, and control. To display one eye is akin to saying ‘I too am a god’. It is an attempt to deify that which it is displayed on.
Isn’t This the ‘Eye of God’ or ‘Holy Trinity’?
No. It is often wrongly claimed that this ‘eye’ symbol, especially when surrounded by a triangle and rays of light, is actually a representation of the True Triune God or ‘The Holy Trinity’. Some churches began displaying this symbol throughout the Renaissance and Age of Enlightenment (both movements with very strong occult/’illuminati’ underpinnings and designs). Please simply know that the ‘all seeing eye’ absolutely does not have it’s origins or roots in Catholicism or Christianity or even Judaism. The roots of this image can be traced back to Egypt (eye of osiris/horus), Hinduism (shiva’s ‘third eye’), and even Buddhism (buddha is referred to as the ‘eye of the world’). Just because you may have seen this symbol (or any other) in a Catholic Church does not make the symbol truly and automatically ‘Catholic’ or Christian – at all. All symbols must be looked at carefully in context and also interpreted both historically and even more importantly to their usage in modern time. To try and make the argument that this symbol (The ‘all-seeing eye’ in a triangle) is not an easily recognizable emblem of the ‘illuminati’ in 2014 is a losing battle.

Has been, and always can be, represented in endless ways. Very briefly, all of these signs go back to pagan practices of worshiping the earth’s sun. Sun worship is an act of honoring the created (the sun) instead of the Creator. It venerates the visible light of the physical realm which gives biological life in place of the True Light, which is Jesus Christ, Who gives eternal Life.
The triangle (and pyramid) are ways of representing the number 3, or the union of two (1 male and 1 female) to produce three – manifestation. It is invoked to produce something, achieve an effect, or attain a goal. The pyramid/triangle also certainly represents a controlling few (or one individual) at its upper end as it is supported by the greater masses at the base, externalizing the extreme hierarchy. The most obvious examples are the ancient Egyptian pyramids built on the backs and labor of captive slaves. Pharaohs exploited and exhausted countless lives of generations of enslaved human beings in an attempt by their few rulers to achieve ‘immortality’. This symbol instantly brings to mind the Book of Exodus in which Moses helped God lead His people out of bondage from His enemy. The pyramid/triangle is definitely used as a powerful emblem representing an enemy of God in the attempt to possess His people.
The overwhelming importance of Egyptian symbology and iconography cannot be stressed enough. It can be fairly stated that almost anywhere you see an Egyptian influence upon imagery, there is most certainly an occult meaning and mystery school association.
These bird symbols have varying significance and meanings, but in short, they represent the mythical Phoenix bird which destroys itself in flames, and then rises from the ashes. The symbolic bird is often depicted with two heads. It can often represent Lucifer, great military strength, force, and fascism.
A symbol of wisdom and secret knowledge, this symbol is heavily associated with witchcraft/wizardry, secrecy, mysticism and the underworld. The owl sees and hunts at night – it is a representation of working in secrecy, as the owl has the ability to see in the dark.
An ancient Egyptian monument to the ‘ sun-god’ Osiris, and also an early representation of Pan, the ‘goat-god’ of sensuality, the obelisk is primarily a phallic symbol and signifies celebration of power, fertility, the flesh, regeneration, and, is, of course, an idol to the sun.
All forms of astrology are inseparably connected to the occult. Most pagan gods are represented by a specific planet. The study and practice of astrology denies a trust in God and seeks out special knowledge, foreknowledge, and power. Each symbol of the zodiac has an important meaning and is the most common ‘short-hand’ for the occult.
Also known as a ‘satanic S’, the lightning bolt is a symbol of supernatural power, punishment, and destruction. It signifies the ability and right to inflict harm on others. Think of the Nazi SS uniforms which prominently featured double lightning bolts.

The ‘logo’ and admitted symbol of the Freemasons. Masons will profess the symbol stands for virtue and wisdom. It is far more complicated than that and has a lot to do with the duality of the physical versus the spiritual, the seen and the unseen. The important thing to know is wherever the square and compass symbol is seen, there is a masonic influence, if not ownership. Another emblem of freemasonry usually seen along with the square and compass is the letter ‘G’. The meaning behind this letter and what it may stand for is a mystery. While some say it stands for ‘God’, ‘The Grand Architect of the Universe’, along with many other things, most likely the ‘G’ has multiple meanings which are understood at different levels within degrees of freemasonry. The letter ‘G’ certainly represents ‘Gnosis’ – secret spiritual knowledge and enlightenment.

Black and white together are a representation of duality and the balance of good and evil. This is the traditional floor used in masonic lodges (going back to ancient Egypt) and is where initiations occur. Generally speaking, this often seen symbol is simply a calling card of freemasonry.
Another common symbol of freemasonry, with kabalistic influences. The pillars in part represent duality (opposing forces) and signify an entrance or gateway into deeper secret knowledge and hidden spiritual realms.
Many symbols are depicted in hand signs, gestures, and even secret handshakes. Hands can make triangles, devil horns, and signify membership in a secret organization.
Extremely prevalent and exhibited in endless forms. These symbols are the opposition to Life which comes from God. These motifs celebrate and foster blindness, desensitization, mindlessness, heartlessness, and coldness.
A symbol of transformation and metamorphosis that is most associated with a form of ‘mind-control’ (simply, a modern term for possession). It often signifies taking a human’s free will and changing the person into a ‘slave’ that is controlled by others.
These all have specific meanings, but the common thread is they indicate a form of mind-control and are heavily associated with occult sexual slavery. They signify an imposed cage of childhood and dependence to be exploited and controlled by others. These symbols also are often used as a mockery of purity and innocence.
Symbols of dehumanization. Lifeless figures easily controlled and manipulated by others.
This shape has 5 points and 5 is the occult number representing man, and specifically the body of man. In modern times the pentagram is most associated with witchcraft (wicca), satanism or ritualistic magic, and is often seen pointing down in representation of a goat’s head. In brief, it calls forth and honors earthly human glory, deification of man, and freedom from sexual or religious taboos.